Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Nestled at the very center of my perception is all that I wish you to be, both the possible and the improbable
Names don't matter here because all I dream will be renewed day after day after day, 
disrobed and discolored, 
reversed and recovered, 
as circles never end
and cycles have no origin

And yes, perhaps it took the different gods six days each to create the world
But your Lady took only one to build mine
And some say they don't believe in evolution but they love you one day and murder you the next
So why not crank it up a notch?
And let us sit upon the lowest step of heaven to bask at the idealized view of the imperfect beneath even where we are

Distraught and peeled down to the layers we dare not reveal,
We see only the faces of past failures,
Nameless rejections to and fro,
We give and we take but never to rest the scales

And so life is that bitterest pill that I can't take without a stiff drink
Everything worth losing your consciousness to...
Everything worth dedicating your remaining days to... 
is a long shot

Culture massive dreams if you wish to live forever
Never forget this
It will take you farther
And her world is yours
And the world will know your names

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Great Undeserved

Just got home from my usual urban immersion... and as usual it felt great and terrible at the same time.

Anyway, I finally got to check my phone and there I saw a message from a friend who has been long absent: "Why do I have the feeling that I don't deserve the person I'm with right now?"

Talk about "out of the blue"... but I indulged:

"We deserve nothing. The best you can do is try and be content with what you have."

Indeed, we deserve nothing. Not our jobs, our significant others, our friends, our families, our material graces or our skills.

I went through five years of law school to learn these ideas of justice, equity, fairness and proportionality... but in the end, you realize that all these are just ideas and ideals of such artificial value and character that an extra ounce of critical thinking only leaves us befuddled and trapped in the place where were before: helplessness.

Fairness is not a naturally occuring thing. We never get what we deserve. It's either too good for us or not good enough. Absolute equilibrium is mathematically and realistically impossible. And so, we as free agents try to bridge the gap. We try harder... we work for it so that somehow, we might approximate the propriety of the web of rewards and punishments that orbit our lives.

When we were young children, we were taught to "make things fit". I remember this old toy of mine which had differently-shaped blocks and a plastic tub that had the corresponding hole-shapes on it. The task was to make the triangular block fit into the triangular hole and so on... easy enough right? And so we have been conditioned to understand exactness... to conform to these shapes and sizes and characteristics so that all may be well... problem is, we later learn to apply these assumptions to people as well. 

Whenever we see this less-than-presentable dude rest his arm around this lovely lady, an alarm immediately goes off in our head saying "NO!!!"... and we often rationalize it by thinking "He must have some killer wheels" or "He must be dynamite in bed"... and it never occurs to us that this mismatch is the most natural thing of all. We always think that pretty people should be with pretty people and the ugly should stick with the ugly... and so the shapes-and-holes exercise works wonders...

Is it fair? No it is not. But so is the rest of the world. Fairness is an abstract idea that keeps us in line. The Universe has been playing this joke on us all our lives and we don't even bother to question it. We are sucked into romanticism and other forms of mind-control and we use them to cope with the harshest form of reality: life is unfair.

Sure, we love hearing writers and musicians say that "there's always someone out there for every single one of us"... wrong! That's just bullshit, my friends. And you know it. Some of us have had 4, 7, 9, or even 14 relationships in our lives and we don't even give it a second thought... millions of people have lived up to the age of 40 or even 60 without ever knowing the touch of another's hand. The truth is that some people have all the fun... Some people die alone.

We love to dream... we love to hope... but one thing's for certain... it's all unfair... and our ever-changing perception of what's fair isn't helping at all... and as we grow older, our minds start to compromise and we lower our standards more and more that we end up with nothing worth keeping.

So what's there to do about it?

If you want something, just take it. Don't wait for the world to give it to you because it's not gonna happen. It's going to be unfair in any given case, so just take it. If you take it, it's yours... if you don't do anything about it, then maybe you just don't want it enough. If it slips away, then tough luck. You just have to deal with it. 

That's all there is to it. Justice will not find you. You just have to make things happen.